Bien-Dire Initial Magazine + Plus

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A magazine published every two months (hard copy magazine) + (online) Plus subscription,  with FREE postage.

Bien-dire Plus:

You will find different types of exercises: multiple choice questionnaires, fill in the blanks exercises, true or false quizzes, pairing exercises, ranking exercises, open-ended questionnaires, videos and their transcripts, dictations...

Each exercise comes with the correct answers, and you will receive a mark for your work. 

Teachers will find many bonuses dedicated to them, which offer ideas for group facilitation, with the option to print each exercise. 

The exercises are sorted by date, and the platform is updated following each publication. 

You can either opt for a single access or multiple simultaneous accesses for your classes. 

Interactive exercises based on articles from Bien-Dire Initial (beginner to intermediate levels) and Bien-Dire (intermediate to advanced levels) magazines. 

More than 20 exercises are published along each issue.