Where to Start

Fitzroy Readers and Word Skills workbooks

The Fitzroy Program is a complete F-6 phonic literacy resource. Nine sets of ten readers form the core of the program. The accompanying Word Skills workbooks provide activities that focus on each new sound and/or digraph introduced in the readers, as well as spelling, grammar, comprehension and creative English exercises.

Given the sequential nature of the program, it is ideal to start at the beginning. However, students can enter the Fitzroy Program at any stage of literacy development. When in doubt, it is generally recommended that the student commence at an earlier level, to increase their confidence and fill in any gaps in their knowledge.

The first seven years of schooling:

4 yr old / Foundation

Fitzroy Alphabet Book

Alphabet Book Contents Page


Readers & Word Skills 1-10

W/S 1-10 Contents Page


Readers & Word Skills 1x-10x

W/S 1x-10x Contents Page

Year 1

Readers & Word Skills 11-20

W/S 11-20 Contents Page

Year 1 / 2

Readers & Word Skills 11x-20x

W/S 11x-20x Contents Page

Year 2

Readers & Word Skills 21-30

W/S 21-30 Contents Page

Year 2 / 3

Readers & Word Skills 21x-30x

W/S 21x-30x Contents Page

Year 3 / 4

Readers & Word Skills 31-40

W/S 31-40 Contents Page

Year 4 / 5

Readers & Word Skills 41-50

 W/S 41-50 Contents Page

Year 6

Readers & Word Skills 51-55 & 56-60

W/S 51-55   W/S 56-60 Contents Pages

 * When the Fitzroy Readers are used in conjunction with the Fitzroy Word Skills workbooks.


Read about the links between The Fitzroy Program and the Australian Curriculum.

Entry Level Tests can be used to help gauge where to start a student in the Fitzroy Program.

The Fitzroy Readers Overview of New Sounds shows which sounds and digraphs are introduced at each level of the Fitzroy Program and may help in choosing the right entry point for the learner.

The Comparison of Levels chart shows how the Fitzroy Readers sit alongside Reading Recovery and the PM Readers.


Fitzroy Maths workbooks

Fitzroy Maths is made up of six sets of five workbooks. The Maths workbooks use the same step-by-step principle and logical sequencing as the Fitzroy Readers. It is ideal to start Fitzroy Maths at the beginning but they can be introduced at later stages of numeracy development. When in doubt, it is recommended that the student commence at an earlier level to increase confidence and fill in any gaps in their knowledge. Fitzroy Maths workbooks use minimal English and allow students to work at their own pace.

The Fitzroy Maths Overview of Topics is a guide to identify the main topics covered in each level.

The following table provides a guide to where the Fitzroy Maths fit into primary schooling:

Fitzroy Maths1-5
4 year old / Foundation
Fitzroy Maths 6-10  
Year 1
Fitzroy Maths11-15  
Year 2
Fitzroy Maths 16-20 
Year 3
Fitzroy Maths 21-25
Year 4
Fitzroy Maths 26-30 
Year 5


Please refer to the relevant product descriptions for more specific information about the topics covered at each level.

Individual students can also try the Maths Entry Level Tests for an indication of where to start.